website made for pixel-painting
Canvas Features
◁  Modify the size of the grid (canvas) from 1 x 1 to 64 x 64 using a range input
◁  changing size of the grid erases everything that has been painted

canvas states:
activated:  cursor is yellow
color grabber: cursor is blue
not activated : cursor is browser's default cursor

canvas activation
◁  canvas activates when clicked on
◁  canvas deactivates when clicked on in the active state

painting options
default behavior is to paint black squares
color picker:  choose any color for painting
eraser:  return color to the background color of the canvas
rainbow:  paint squares in random rainbow color
transparent:  make squares transparent
grayscale:  turn color to its black and white version
darken:  make color 10% darker
pastel:  paint squares in random pastel color
lighten:  make color 10% lighter
invert:  invert color using RGB (255 - R, 255 - G, 255 - B) formula
warm:  make color warmer
cold:  make color cooler

canvas controls
◁  any modification can be turned on and off by clicking the corresponding button
◁  Color grabber mode turns off automatically when the color is picked.
◁  Choose the background color for the canvas using the second color picker.
◁  changing background color does not erase what was painted
◁  clear button lets you erase everything that has been painted, returning canvas to its set background color
◁  grid button lets you turn off/on grid lines on the canvas
◁  third color picker allows you to change grid color
◁  screenshot button lets you make a screenshot of the canvas
there is a choice of 10 images as background of the page
preloader is styled by to handle image loading.
Website is desktop-only
Technology used
JavaScript,   HTML,  CSS,   json

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