Simplified version of "Super Mario Bros" made in pygame
◁ game has graphics, animations and sounds similar to "Super Mario Bros" game
◁ player spawns in the middle of the screen and enemies are going at it from both sides
◁ you die if an enemy gets to you
◁ the point of the game is to survive as long as you can
◁ you kill an enemy by jumping at it
◁ you gain 1 point when killing goombas and 2 points when killing koopa
◁ game is desktop-only
↑ Jump
→ Right
← Left
How to Play
Press the Enter key to start the game ◁
Use the controls to navigate the mario character ◁
Press ↑ to jump on obstacles to kill them ◁
Avoid colliding with obstacles to stay alive and earn points ◁
Press ENTER to restart the game ◁
Technology used
Python, Pygame, HTML, Plantuml